Hey there, lovely readers! Today, I want to dive into the fascinating world of how your body transforms when you embark on a training journey. Don't worry; we're not going to get all stuffy and scientific here. Instead, let's take a casual stroll through some mind-blowing concepts.
Teleology? Say What?
First things first, let's tackle the term "teleology." It's a bit of a mouthful, but it's all about understanding the purpose or function of something. Imagine you're trying to figure out why your favorite plant has those beautiful flowers. Teleology is like peeking into the plant's mind (if it had one) to see why it decided to bloom. So, in our journey today, we'll use this concept to explore why our bodies change during training.
Your Brain's Superpower
Alright, let's kick things off with a nod to our brain, the captain of this transformation ship. Ever heard of Norman Doidge's book, "The Brain That Changes Itself"? It's a game-changer! Imagine meeting people who overcame challenges like strokes and blindness through sheer determination and innovative therapies. They rewired their brains, and guess what? Your brain can do that too! It's called neuroplasticity, and it means your brain can make new connections and reorganize itself. So, the next time you think change is impossible, remember your brain's superhero abilities!
Whale Tales: Flaccid Fins and Beyond
Now, let's take a quick dip into the world of whales, our underwater buddies. Ever heard of flaccid fin syndrome? It's when a whale's dorsal fin droops, and you're more likely to spot it in captive whales. Why? Well, that's where our "load profiles" come into play. Think of it like this: the way you hold a load (or in this case, how a whale swims) can shape your body over time. So, when captive whales don't get the right load experience, their fins droop. Just like how doing squats or push-ups can affect your physique.
Mechanotransduction: Your Body's Magical Makeover
Okay, here's the fun part: mechanotransduction. It's a fancy term for how your cells respond to mechanical signals from your movements. In plain English, when you work out, your body gets the memo to repair and strengthen areas in high demand. So, if you've been doing those bicep curls, your body thinks, "Hey, we need to beef up those biceps!" It's like your body's own renovation project.
Form Follows Function: Athletes and Trees
Ever noticed how athletes' bodies look different based on their sports? It's like Mother Nature's own artistry at play. Just like trees adapt to their surroundings, athletes mold their bodies through specific training. So, if you're wondering why your weekly workout isn't getting you the same results as more frequent & varied sessions, remember this: every move you make has an impact. It's like pouring concrete for your body's shape, one workout at a time.
Modern Life: Our Everyday Training Ground
Let's face it; modern life is our daily training ground. But here's the twist: it lacks the natural twists, turns, and loads our ancestors experienced. Even if you're hitting the gym regularly, you might still miss out on essential movements. Our bodies crave variety, so don't judge your fitness solely by how much you can lift or how sore you are. Ask yourself, "Am I showing up in life with energy and confidence?"
Epigenetics: Your Body's DJ
Epigenetics is like your body's DJ. It decides which genes to turn on and off based on your lifestyle choices. So, if your family tree has a few health concerns, remember that you have the power to influence your genes' playlist. Start by improving your posture and lung function. It's like giving your body a daily dance party.
Time to Audit Your Movement Timeline
Your body's shape is a reflection of how you use it. Take a moment to think about your daily movements. Are you stuck in the same positions all day? Mix it up! Your body thrives on variety.
Debunking Genetic Mindset Myths
Let's put to rest the myth that a fixed mindset means you're stuck. It's not your fault; it might be how you were brought up. But here's the good news: science shows that you can upgrade your intelligence and abilities with the right attitude.
Building Resilience, One Step at a Time
Now, before we wrap up this journey, here are some practical tips to boost your resilience and start "mechano-transducing":
Mix up your workouts; keep it exciting!
Ever tried sleeping on the floor for better posture?
Experiment with a weight vest or backpack during your walks.
Get into strength training to fill those gaps.
Explore the benefits of sauna sessions or ice baths.
Make a habit of walking at least two miles daily.
And there you have it, a laid-back tour of how your body transforms during your training adventures. Remember, your body is a work in progress, so embrace the journey and keep moving! 😊
If you are curious about how you can adjust your training and "NEAT" (non-exercise-activity-thermogenesis) fancy-shmancy for movements you don't do to intentioanlly workout, but your body expects them of you.. hit me up through the site or on IG. ❤️🎯🪂
PS- If you are a SuperNerd 🤓🤓 and want to dive deeper into any of this, I high recommend: Move Your DNA: By Kate Bowman https://tinyurl.com/Move-Your-DNA
The Brain That Changes Itself: By Norman Doidge https://tinyurl.com/The-Brain-That-Changes-Itself